Given January 23, 2019 at in Christchurch, New
Zealand. I give an overview of deep learning, its applications, and some of
its negative aspects. I also talk about how Mozilla's machine learning
projects including DeepSpeech, Common Voice, and LPCnet.
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running On The Web
Given July 9, 2017 at PolyConf in Paris, France. I discuss why web
technologies are pervasive, how they can be improved, and introduce a new
project for a application runtime built on web technologies and Servo. View
the slides.
Servo Architecture: Safety & Performance
Given January 18, 2017 at the in Hobart, Australia. I
present how Servo is fast, focusing on the constellation and WebRender. View
the slides.
Servo: Today & Tomorrow
Given September 26, 2016 at the Web Engines Hackfest in A
Coruña, Spain. I present what Servo has accomplished to date, and our near
term development and research goals. View
the slides.
Servo: Building a Parallel Browser
Given January 16, 2015 at in Auckland, New Zealand. I
give the motivations for and an overview of the Servo project. I also
discuss how parallel layout is implemented. View the slides.
Servo: Designing and Implementing a Parallel Browser