Prosody Gets Cross-Domain BOSH Support

January 22, 2010

Matthew Wild just added Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support to Prosody. He discusses the implementation in the Prosody blog. This makes the third BOSH connection manager with CORS support in three days. What a promising trend!

Unlike my patches, Matthew has made the support disabled by default, but it also offers the complete fine grained control over access that CORS offers. I’m not sure why this is needed, since outside of a web browser, there is no access control. I can’t think of a situation where this would be useful off the top of my head. If someone comes up with a good use case, I may revise my ejabberd and Punjab patches to add similar support.

Hopefully we’ll see an eager Java hacker add similar support to Openfire and Tigase, and then all major BOSH implementations would have support.

Prosody Gets Cross-Domain BOSH Support - January 22, 2010 - Jack Moffitt