Speeqe Update

September 21, 2008

Speeqe development is progressing well. We’re really close to rolling out a new version with a new dashboard and some basic room history logging and search. The big news, however, is that we’ve decided to make the whole thing an open source project and solicit help from the entire community. We’re putting together an initial release now, and it should be up at code.stanziq.com soon.

Just to give you some idea of what to expect, here’s an overview of the major pieces. The Web application portion is written in Python using Django. The chat client is all JavaScript and based on Strophe with the exception of a few bits of authentication which are handled in the Web app. The Speeqe group chat service runs on ejabberd and persists history to CouchDB using a custom ejabberd component.

We are looking forward to your feedback and your help once the release is done!


Speeqe Update - September 21, 2008 - Jack Moffitt